
Generators and Welder

Generators and Welder: 50KW Portable Generator, s/n EA682117, Hercules 2 cylinder gas. In good condition with good tires. (Meter Reads 0,186 Hours) • (3) 30KW Generators, s/n KZ092, KZ05120, and s/n KZ0934, White 6 cylinder diesel engines, with enclosures (One For Parts) • 5KW/6.25KVA Tailer Mounted Generator, Hercules 2 cylinder gas engine, with 235/85R16 tires. (Meter Reads 0,343 Hours) • (2) WINCO Gas Generators (Condition Unknown) • LINCOLN SAM-400 Portable Welder, s/n A-778722, 4 cylinder diesel engine, 8.00x16 tires (Unit# WL-5163)

1440 Cowpath Rd. Hatfield, Pa 19440 • PH: 215 361-9099 • FAX: 215 361-9212
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